The Client:
The Challenge:
Vista Outdoors, located in Idaho, USA, is one of the largest manufacturers of ammunition for the military and hunting sectors.
The company was having issues with pump failures in their primary metal finishing operations. Pumps were lasting in many cases two weeks of operation time before needing to be rebuilt. This was costing them significant cost including down time.
The Solution:
We worked with Dennis Conley from Vista Outdoor, who agreed to try our EF Centrifugal Pump on their problem line – and it lasted for 6 months without needing a rebuild.
We went at request to see their operation and discuss the merits of the test pump case. As a result they switched over and standardized their entire process to our EF Centrifugal Pump and have saved significant cost and reduced downtime in their core operations.
Wow! What an operation! Never saw anything like the Vista Outdoor operation. We were really happy to be able to help them solve their challenges – and save them money. That's always our goal with every client project.